End of Term – Final Thoughts

We would like to inform you that the last day of school for term three is on Friday 5th July 2013 and all students will be finishing at 11.45am. Sports will be held as normal in the morning there will be no school uniform required on this day.

We have had a very positive and successful year here at Oak Heights. All of our students have worked extremely hard and put in a lot of effort towards their final exams.

Parent’s day will be held during the third week of September 2013 to discuss term 3 results and also to set targets for the new term ahead. This is a great opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress and sixth form admissions. We will confirm the dates and arrange appointments at the start of the new term.

There has been a lot of progress with our school expanding into the building next door. Building and decorating work is on schedule and we will be opening in the new term. This will be a very exciting addition to the school.

During this academic year our students have had opportunities to attend many school trips such as PGL in Marchents Hill, Ice Skating, Lion King, Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament and Ripleys Believe It Or Not exhibition. We will be looking forward to organising events like this again in the future.

This term we have worked closely with charities such as Cancer Research and Comic Relief. Our teachers and students have managed to raise almost £500 over the academic year through bake sales and Non school uniform days. Well done and thank you to everyone that contributed!

Our work experience programme is proving to be a success too. We have lined up some exciting placements and our current year 10’s will be having their work experience at the start of the new term.

The school reopens on the 4th September 2013, at 9am, school will be open as normal from 8.15am. We look forward to seeing you in the new term.

Further updates and term dates can be viewed on our website on


Thanking you for your continuous support in Oak Heights.

We hope you all have a lovely holiday



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