Work Experience Workshop

On Wednesday June 18th our year 10 students had a taste of the working world with our Work Experience Workshop. The workshop was lead by our hired business professionals Patricia and James and was in preparation for their work experience placements at the start of the new term.

The Students dressed in formal office wear and made their way to and from the venue by themselves. I would like to say a big well done to them for making such an effort and looking so smart.

The workshop covered the following subjects;

  • skills and qualities employers want
  • work experience intro
  • health and safety
  • interview preparation and skills practice
  • mock interview
  • introduction to CV’s

The feedback was very positive and the students certainly left with many questions answered and some anxieties relieved.

May I remind all students that the CV template provided by Patricia should be used as soon as possible to create your own CV, and a copy handed in to either Miss Bhachu or Miss Daly within the next two weeks.

Further information about placements will be revealed before the term ends.


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